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Geomechanical Cavern Modelling

Information Required

  • Geomechanical testing reports
  • All available wireline logs (cavern and offset wells)
  • Surface and downhole caverns map with detail downhole and surface distances between them
  • Directional survey (digital)
  • Actual sonar (digital)
  • Production casing information (type, grade, weight, threads)
  • Information about any casing damage
  • Last MIT report
  • Hydrogeology
  • Mineralogical, core reports
  • Drilling reports (with focus on: drilling problems, tight hole, water inflow)
  • Any other known operations that may affect geomechanical results.

Geomechanical analysis will be carried out in the following steps:

  • Building of 3D model (one cavern of group of caverns) based on stratigraphic and petrological data included in geophysical logs,
  • Model calibration with use of geomechanical parameters from rocks laboratory tests,
  • Evaluation of cavern stability and integrity,
  • Evaluation of cavern closure and casing strain,
  • Modelling of multiple caverns interactions,
  • Evaluation of surface subsidence,
  • Final report preparation.

Expected time of realisation: 10 weeks (single cavern), 13 weeks (group up to 5 caverns), 13-17 weeks (group up to 15 caverns). More than 15 caverns – time is negotiable